Joe Horn 的啟示錄

IE 跟 Outlook 的新漏洞..O_O

剛剛在 CNET 看到 這篇 .

The vulnerabilities allow for remote code execution with no actions from the computer user, eEye said. Although the flaws would not allow self-propagating worms to infiltrate a system, there is the potential of attackers installing backdoor Trojans without a person”s knowledge, Ben Nagy, an eEye senior security engineer, said Friday.

看來頗恐怖啊, 不知道 MS 啥時會放 patch ?

不過對我來說好像不是很重要, 我跳槽 Firefox 有一段時間了, 而且我都用 OpenWebMail 在收/送信 .

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