Joe Horn 的啟示錄


Netcraft 登出來的 這篇 .

這幾段則是列出了價格有變動的註冊商 :

The domain price wars are finally being felt on the high end of the pricing spectrum, as has lowered its price for a one-year .com from $35 to $30.

In other pricing moves, Yahoo has ended its $4.98 a year offer, raising its one-year .com price to $9.95.

Also moving to $9.95 this month is RegisterFly, which had previously been at $14.95.

在詳細表格上則有目前的價位, 看來又是在打價格戰.
不過, 每家廠商可註冊的網域不盡相同, 最近有要 renew 的人可以考慮 transfer 到低價的廠商啦!

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