6 月 19 2005
Microsoft 研發出新的 P2P 架構!
在 這邊 看到的 .
Researchers at Microsoft”s computer science lab in Cambridge have developed a peer-to-peer filesharing system that they say overcomes the scheduling problems associated with existing distribution protocols such as Bit Torrent.
The researchers claim download times are between 20-30 per cent faster, using their network coding approach, than on systems that only code at the server, and between 200 and 300 per cent faster than distributing un-encoded information.
paper 的 PDF 檔 在這 .
11 月 17 2007
應該不少人知道前一陣子 IFPI 開始對 Foxy 使用者提出告訴吧?
這件事在 PTT 引起許多人的注意與討論。

要抓這種東西,只要上游擺一台暴力的 layer 7 content filter 來進行統計,結果一定很豐碩。
尤其是那些沒有作封包加密的 P2P 軟體,可以說是一網打盡。
對這種東西不熟的人,可以看看現身沒多久的 TaiwanRank,即時畫面 很有趣呀~
By Joe Horn • Network, Thoughts 0 • Tags: Foxy, IFPI, P2P, peer-to-peer, TaiwanRank